"Whether you're a family of one or a family of ten,
every family needs a church family."
~Pastor Jason Myers

Blog Post

**Update for Sunday Service on 12-08-13**

Victory Baptist Church • December 8, 2013

We just wanted to let everyone know that the services for tomorrow morning Sunday December 08, 2013 will still go on at the regularly scheduled times. Sunday school at 9:30am and Sunday morning service at 10:30am. We will make an update about the evening service tomorrow afternoon as we see how the weather progresses. See […]

By Jason Myers January 6, 2024
Service UPDATE for SUNDAY January 7th: There will be NO 8:30AM Worship Service or 9:30am Sunday School. The 10:30am & 6pm Services are on schedule at this time. Please use your discretion when traveling. Be safe, God bless! ~Pastor Myers
By Jason Myers March 12, 2022
Good evening VBC Family, Due to drifting snow and freezing temperatures, we will be canceling the 8:30am service and 9:30am Sunday School for tomorrow, Sunday, March 13th. At this time the 10:30am & 6pm services are on schedule. Be safe and use your best judgment while traveling. I love you and pray you all are well. Also don't forget to spring your clocks forward tonight. You don't want to be late for church! Jason M. Myers, Pastor
By Jason M. Myers March 11, 2022
Victory Baptist Food Pantry Open Mondays 10am-11am Food available for anyone who needs. If you have questions or need more information, please contact us@ VBCHanover.Secretary@gmail.com
By Jason Myers February 4, 2022
Due to the dropping temperatures and likelihood of icy conditions on the roads, prayer night for Friday Feb. 4 at 7pm is cancelled. Please still take time at 7pm to pray for our church and those who are still sick in our church family as well as the other requests that we have sent out over past days. Stay safe and we will see you on Sunday morning.
By Jason Myers January 16, 2022
**Service Cancelation for Sun. Jan. 16, 2022** Due to the incoming winter storm and likelihood of slick and icy roads there will be no services tonight Jan. 16, 2022. Stay home and stay safe. God Bless!
By Jason Myers January 9, 2022
**Service Cancellation for Sunday Morning 1-9-22** We have been tracking the storm through the day today and due to the incoming storm and the likelihood of icy conditions there will be no morning services (8:30am, 9:30am, or 10:30am) tomorrow Jan. 9, 2022. The temperatures are supposed to warm throughout the day so we will be having the 6pm service. Stay home, stay warm, and stay safe
By Jason Myers February 7, 2021
Update for 6pm service Tonight Sun. Feb. 7 Tonight at 6pm Pastor Myers will be doing a live stream for this evening's service. We realize that some back roads are still a little slushy and susceptible to refreezing as the temperatures drop below freezing. With that said the church will be open and if you are able to come out safely you are welcome to join us at 6pm. Please remember to exercise caution and stay safe when deciding if you will attend. The Facebook and YouTube Live Streams will be available as well as the Dial A Sermon phone live streaming service.
By Jason Myers February 7, 2021
Due to the snowy weather the 10:30am service for today Sunday Feb. 7 is cancelled. We will be reevaluating the conditions later today to determine if we will have the evening service so please check back later for updates.
By Jason Myers February 7, 2021
Service Update for Sun AM Feb. 7, 2021 Due to the possibility of snowy weather and slippery roads in the morning we will be cancelling the 8:30am for tomorrow morning Sun. Feb. 7. As of now, the 10:30am & 6pm services are still on schedule but check back for updates as we are able to see what the weather will be doing in the morning. Pastor will try to make a decision about the 10:30am service by 8:30am. Stay safe
By Jason Myers January 31, 2021
Due to the snowy weather and hazardous conditions there will be no in person services for Sunday Jan. 31, 2021 at 10:30am and 6pm. Stay home and be safe. The 8:30am service is available on YouTube and Facebook as well as the Dial A Sermon phone system.
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